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Mount Horeb Campus

To Be Announced Soon!

6:00am - 6:00pm


Want to learn more about LWP + Our New Location?

Inquire with Us Today!

Little Woodland Preschool - Mount Horeb Campus is excited to have you join the Little Woodland Family. Please click the link and fill out the form below to apply for enrollment and give us your inquiry. We will be in touch with you as soon as we can after receiving it. From there we will set up a tour and continue on with the enrollment process. 

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Please note that ages are the average age in each classroom and may

change depending on ages of groups of children

Teacher to child ratios are dependent on ages of children in the classrooms. For any child under the age of 2, the ratio is 1 teacher to 4 children.


Age Range: 8 Weeks - 7 Months

Maximum Capacity: 

Developmental Emphasis: 
Explore the new world around them and start to develop social and emotional bonds with their teachers to create trust.


Age Range: 6 Months - 14 Months

Maximum Capacity: 

Developmental Emphasis:

Transform from a baby that is on their own complete schedule and start to adapt to the center schedule. 


Age Range: 1 - 1.5 Years

Maximum Capacity: 

Developmental Emphasis: Work to develop their fine motor and self help skills while exploring the world through play. 


Age Range: 1.5 - 2y
Maximum Capacity: 

Developmental Emphasis: Hands on approach to learning where "centers" start. This means being in smaller areas and learning more one on one. 


Age Range: 2-3.5y
Maximum Capacity: 

Developmental Emphasis: Hands on approach to learning where "centers" start. This means being in smaller areas and learning more one on one. 


Age Range:  3.5- 4yr +

Maximum Capacity: 

Developmental Emphasis: Prepare for the next step in school, kindergarten,  through a fully play based style of learning. 

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